Secret vessel Nikonov 1/10 DIY
Built from plan. Oak wood, flax cords and brass.
The construction of the first Russian submarine has a direct connection to the name of the founder of the Russian Fleet – Peter I. In 1718, Peter was presented a petition from a Moscow peasant Efim Nikonov, where he wrote that he was able to build such a vessel that could destroy ships in the open sea with a help of shells and “swim in the waters secretly without being noticed”, i.e., without showing up from the water depths. Peter appreciated this important invention at its true value, and in January 1720 he issued a decree to start the submarine construction process. In all the official documents of that time it was called a “secret vessel’. Four years later at the Saint-Petersburg Galley Yard they started launching the vessel, but, unfortunately, its bottom was damaged and the test was terminated. After the death of the great Russian emperor, the royal patronage and interest to Nikonov’s invention faded, and the vessel “due to dilapidated condition” was condemned to demolition.